More Pics From the Sleepover

Here are the pics from the sleepover that I couldn't open yesterday. The girls look adorable. Love the ones of A with the earrings, and of M with Baby. M asked today if she could take Baby and Blankie to school. She said she was going to miss them today. We usually say no to such requests to take P&B&B&B out of the house (remember the furniture store incident??), and Daddy said no this time, but something in M's eyes made me say yes. I am about to leave work – hopefully will discover upon my return home that they made it home safely! (I think I would have heard already if they hadn't.)

Here are the pics:






1 comment

a says:

The pictues are adorable. The girls are so darling, so beautiful, and so sweet. It’s cute to read that M still loves “baby” after such a long time. M and A are so easy to love.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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