More Pictures

I was too tired to post last night because I got home a little late. A bunch of friends from my old job got together to celebrate three upcoming babies – including the Captain – at a casual dinner/shower downtown. My friends Lisa and Christina (both P&B&B&B readers – hi guys!) are due this summer too, and and we had a very nice celebration. Thanks to Kristen (hi Kristen!) for organizing!

Yesterday was Class Photo Day at school. M asked me to curl her hair with the curling wand, and it looked very cute. Daddy put it back a little too, and she looked adorable. She wore an orange (of course) polka dot dress. A wore a white tank with a white sweater, and shorts.

A had to write 10 reasons why she loves me in her journal for an upcoming Mother's Day project. She wrote 107! I couldn't believe it! She read them to me when I got home from the shower, and they were SO sweet. She had to take her journal back to school today but I am going to try to get my hands on it again so that I can copy it. 107 reasons!!!

Here are some more photos from the birthday party.

Pizza and cake:


Notice the girl sitting in between M&A. We call her their triplet – she looks like a blend of M&A. 


Opening presents:




Here are some pictures of the planting we did on Sunday. A was very helpful.





And here are some pictures from M's baseball game on Sunday:





And the girls in my office for Take Your Kids to Work Day:


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