
Our morning routine has changed a bit in the last week.

Up until very recently, mornings usually go like this: M usually wakes up before A, and as soon as she does, she calls, "Moooooooommmy. Moooooooooommy" until I come in and get her. If A wakes up first, she calls me too, but in a different tone of voice – less plaintive and more commanding – like this: "MOMMee! MOMMee!’  Since M usually is up first, I usually have to wake A up, which I do slowly and gently because she does not like mornings. Once they are both up, we usually go downstairs and get babas. If it’s a school day, we then get dressed (we have usually picked out the clothes the night before). If it’s not a school day, the girls hang out while we get ready for work and get dressed once Nana comes. Sometimes the girls get to watch TV while Daddy and I get ready (Winnie the Pooh or Little Einsteins or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) if we’re really in a rush.

Recently, however, M has started getting out of bed by herself and coming into our room. It’s very cute! I am a little sad that she is old and independent enough to do it, but it’s fun to see her little sleepy face peeping into the room in the morning.

This morning, A decided to be Izzard the LIzard again and slithered from her room into ours. M wanted me to take pictures of everything from her bed – Hella, Baby, Pink Bunny, Blankie, Piggy and Bunny (from A’s bed), Dinosaur, and Big Hella. So here are some photos of what happened this morning:

Morning1 Morning2Morning3


1 comment

Anonymous says:

I really enjoyed reading all the blogs I have “saved up” to read. How wonderful you and M and A are. I love reading all about them and the cute things they do. Thank you for the great photos. Give those beautiful girls a BIG hug and kiss from me. I may have to “save up” some of the future blogs to read when I feel better. Love to all of you.

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