Morris the Moose

The girls have discovered a new book that is CRACKING them up. It is very entertaining when they hear a (mildly amusing) joke and then laugh hysterically, over and over, at it. This is what was cracking them up so much tonight.

(The book is about a moose named Morris, who is at school, and keeps getting things wrong.)

The teacher said, "Let's practice some math. Who can count to 10?"

A boy raised his hand and said, "I can: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10"

"No, no," said the teacher. "Who can tell me what comes after 8?"

Morris said, "Oh, I know! After 8 comes bedtime!"

M&A think that is the funniest thing they have ever heard.

1 comment

a says:

M and A obviously have a great sense of humor. They are such happy girls and, also obviously, give their parents much pleasure.
Aunt Ann

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