M’s Bad Day

Today was a tough day for M. 

At her coaching job this afternoon (she and A assistant coach a Little League team on Wednesdays), she was hit by a bat swung by one of the kids. She has a nasty bruise on her elbow/arm and spent all of tonight on the couch. On the bright side, we used her new slushee maker to make a chocolate milk slushee.

She also received her first tally mark of the whole year for whispering something about Candymakers to Abby during lunch. She is very upset about the tally. It is May 21 and this is fhte first she's gotten all year. There is a party t the end of the year for all of the kids with no tally marks, and she is very upset. Daddy may go talk to the person who issued the tally tomorrow.

And the Nats lost.

Daddy and A went to see the Bolshoi ballet tonight, thanks to Grandma Sandy, who is out of town and couldn't use her tickets. They had a good time.

Tomorrow is Arts Night and also a field trip to the National Portrait Gallery. Daddy is chaperoning!

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