M’s Class Session

Today I went to a session at the school about M's class. She is being team-taught by two teachers, rather than one. These two third grade teachers have combined their classes into one large class (54 kids – ugh!), and they either teach one large class or separate it into two and team teach individually. We parents had a lot of questions and they had thoughtful answers for all of them. Sounds like the setup poses a few challenges, but a lot of benefits too. I think it's a great class setting for M, who is self-motivated and capable of concentrating amidst controlled chaos. And the setup allows for differentiation of ability, which is good for M too. A is loving her teacher, so overall I think we did really well this year. Of course, it's day #3, so things could change. But we're happy right now!

While I was at the session, M&A hung out in the library with Emily. Then they went to her house for a playdate after school.

Tonight, N and I had a fun time during his bath. While he was in the tub, I poured water from the cup over and over on him. At first he was a little scared, watching the water come out and seeing it land on him. But he got used to it, and kept following the water with his eyes, and I think he enjoyed it in the end. SO CUTE. He loves his bath!

Here are some cute pics of Lucky from the week that we were gone. He stayed at Laurie's house and she sent me these:


(Lucky is the one on top.)





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