M’s Hanukah Wish Book

I've missed posting the last few days due to bad wifi (Monday night) and time change (last night). I am writing from Vegas, where I am for 3 days for CES. Daddy is holding down the fort at home and all seems to be going smoothly. The girls had to create timelines for school where they listed important things that happened to them every year since they were born. We got out the baby books and found some of the milestones – first time they walked, first time they used sentences, when they moved out of a crib, etc. We also added things like first Nutcracker performances, first time out of the country, first teeth out, etc. It was fun and we got to look at some cute baby pics.

M created a very sweet Hanukah wish book at school before the break. I scanned it in and am posting it here. The words are very touching and the pictures she drew are adorable.










In that last picture, she (or is that A?) is in a wheelchair at age 94 and the baby is 86. AWWWWW. It makes me sad, though, that she is aware of shootings and murders.


1 comment

Sandra Schrut says:

What’s most impressive is that there’s not a single wish for a material possession. Would that all Americans were like our darling Maddie!
Grandma Sandy

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