M’s Negotiation Skills

Here is a conversation that took place at dinner last night:

Scene: We’re trying to get M to eat more of her dinner (pizza and pasta) at a restaurant.

Us: "M, please eat more of your pizza."

M: "But I’m full."

Us: "You’re full because you ate all of those Goldfish on the way over here."

M: "Yes, I ate all those Goldfish and now I am full."

Soon after…

M: "I want some ice cream after dinner."

Us: "No, no ice cream. You just said you’re full and you haven’t eaten enough of your dinner."

Soon after…

M: "My tummy hurts."

Us: "Why does your tummy hurt?"

M: "It hurts because I need ice cream."

Us: "I thought you were full? How can you now eat ice cream?"

M: "Because my tummy hurts."

Of course, she got her way and M&A ended up sharing a cookie dough ice cream next to a fountain outside the ice cream place. M looked around and said to me, "Why are all the grownups eating ice cream?" I had to explain that adults get to eat treats too.

All was forgiven when we got home and I went to get her out of her carseat. After I opened the door, she looked at me and said brightly, "You’re such a cute mommy!!"


1 comment

rachel says:

dear aunt gayle
love it. m&a’s bed is so cute. im sorry i haven’t been commenting on these for a while but ill start doing it. m&a are the cutest tadlers in tyhe world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when am i going to visit you? did you get any more comments beside from me? well e-mail me back.
love rachel

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