M’s Plant Journal

I have pics to upload from last night, but they are Grandma Sandy's camera, which she left at our house last night, so they will have to wait. I also have pics of the girls' research projects on polar bears and iguanas, which they brought to school today. I will try to upload those tonight too.

In the meantime, here is M's plant journal. Note the commentary coming from M in all of the drawings – sooo cute.


(Day I – I planted a seed and it didn't grow yet.)

(Day 6: I see it sprouted a little stem and a lot of roots!)

(Day 8 – I see my plant is growing a whole lot and it's three inches.)


(Day 13 – I see my plant is 11 and a half inches. It's getting bigger and bigger.)


(Day 20 – my plant is growing so much that it fell down and it's 22 inches tall.)

1 comment

a says:

Please tell Maddie that I love her plant pictures and the description of what’s taking place. Good luck, Maddie. I am a plant lover too. I’m looking forward to more pictures.
Aunt Ann

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