M’s Playoff Game

Thie big news of tonight is M's playoff baseball game.

It went something like this.

5PM: game start

5-5:45PM: first two innings. Score was 3-0, Orioles. YAY!

5:45PM – 6PM: Mets score. Boo!

6PM: first rumbles of thunder are heard

6-6:10PM: discussion among coaches about what to do about thunder. Little League rule is that you stop play immediately.

6:10-6:30PM: We wait out the thunder in the shelter of a neighboring church's overhang

6:30PM: no more thunder, play resumed

6:35PM: thunder again, game paused

6:50PM: game resumes

6:50PM-7:10ish: Orioles have lost their mojo. After many loaded bases, Mets score 3 points by stealing home each time. Score is now 4-3 Mets.

7:10-7:25PM: more game delay due to thunder

7:25PM: back on the field. Orioles score some base hits. Aidan M. runs home to tie the game 4-4.

7:30PM: top of the 6th and final inning. Orioles' pitcher Abe pitches a no-hitter inning that went like this: S-S-S; S-S-S; S-S-B-S. Score 4-4, bottom of the 6th.

7:40PM: Orioles get a few base hits and load up the bases. Sam hits a single (double?) and Michael runs home to score the game winning run. Orioles win 5-4.

This is HUGE! We advance to the next round of the playoffs.

M had a good game – one strikeout (boo!), one walk (yay), a run home from 3rd that sadly wasn't a score because it happened on the third out, and a stopped grounder to right field which she handily scooped up. She also smartly got out the way while up at bat so that one of her teammates could steal home. 


I took an awesome photo of the team jumping on each other at the end of the game, cheering. Sadly, my battery died one second later and the photo didn't get saved. @#%^& iPhone!

Next game is Saturday at 1 against the Cardinals, who we must have played this season but who I can't remember.

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