M finds relaxation and a sense of accomplishment in doing meticulous projects that require concentration and attention (not to mention coordination). I started thinking today about all of the things she has done over the years that fit the bill. Here are just a few – I am sure I have left many out – in loose chronological order. (Also note that A has done a lot of these types of activities too, especially sticker books and rainbow loom!)
Large Perler beads:
Small Perler beads:
Mosaic projects like jewelry boxes:
Paint by numbers:
Rainbow loom (some of these were made by A)
Hook rug:
Window paint:
Jigsaw puzzles!
I love how into these projects she gets. And I love that she loves this blog post.
Meanwhile, A woke up with an earache last night. I took her to the open hours at CMG this AM and she got a Z-pack because of all of her congestion. Thankfully tonight she is feeling better.
I am proud of all three kids tonight because:
1. N peed on the potty before bed.
2. M&A figured out something really hard in math – converting repeating decimals to fractions – despite being out yesterday and missing it being taught. We watched a YouTube video about how to do it and figured it out, and then they learned it. It's actually quite cool once you figure it out.