M’s Recovery

I an happy to report that M is feeling much better today. She went to school, she has lots of energy, and she hasn't said once that her stomach hurts. Yay!

We were supposed to leave for NY today, but given how tired we've been the last few days, and that Daddy worked late tonight, we decided to leave tomorrow morning instead.

Here are some pics from the Thanksgiving performance yesterday, as well as some videos of the kids singing the two songs.

Performance (M&A are a few rows back, in the middle):



The feast:



M's placemat:


A's placemat:


What A is thankful for (Mrs. Haigler, my sister, Daddy, Mommy, me, our country):


What M is thankful for (the flag, the Capitol, and the Washington Monument):


M and Mrs. Haigler:

And here are the videos (keep an eye on A):

1 comment

Pat Burke says:

I so enjoy your blog — read almost every day. You are such a wonderful mother — and the girls are so unique and charming.
Thanks for sharing your family.
Pat (your Mom’s friend from Florida)

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