M’s Report Card

M brought home a report card today. She did great – 4s (the highest) in every academic subject, and the following note from her teacher:

Hi M! You are a strong learner who is always reliable academically. It's been nice to have you help other kids in the class who are struggling. You are one of my "mini" teachers. I really like the way you have made friends with some of the girls in the class. It's fun to watch you giggle and share yourself with others. Friends you make in elementary school are friends you will have for life! Keep up the good work!

And the best (well, ok, not really) part? She has only been marked down for one tardy this year! And I bet it was when she had her flu shot last week.


1 comment

DebbieWager says:

I’m not surprised! I’ll bet she receives report cards like that every year!

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