M’s Terrifically Tough Tooth

Exciting news! M's bottom tooth, which was loose, has come out! It happened a few minutes before I got home from work. Imogene was drying off M, and the towel must have caught on her tooth, because a second later, it was out! It's so little and cute. I noticed tonight that the one next to it is also a little loose, so I bet we have another few weeks before that one is out too. Here is how M looks now:

I think – just guessing here – that the Tooth Fairy is sort of regretting the gift extravaganza that occurred when M's two top teeth were pulled out. She is concerned that now M is expecting gifts and money, and that A is expecting a gift too. Given these recessionary times, the Tooth Fairy is hoping to put an end to the excesses of July and revert back to more reasonable tooth rewards.

The girls each wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy tonight. M's says, "Dear Tooth Fairy, Please take care of my tooth. I love my ballerina doll and dog puzzle. Love, M". A's says, "Dear Tooth Fairy, I really like getting toys. I know that you might not bring me any money, but that you will probably bring some for M. What I would really like is a picture of you, so that I can see what you look like. Love, A."

So the Tooth Fairy is in a bit of a quandary. She is already thinking no gifts, because she was caught a bit off guard and doesn't have any gifts at home. But she is also imagining 20 teeth over the next few years and is thinking that money is a lot more convenient. As for the twin sister in the same room, perhaps a token reward is in order every time, emphasis on the word "token".

I'll give a report tomorrow on what the Tooth Fairy settled on.

1 comment

a says:

Your tooth fairy has been very generous in the past. It will be a bit difficult to change things at this time. However, your girls are sweet and will understand if the tooth fairy tells them that she isn’t able to give them more than some money. M looks so cute without those teeth. She and A are so adorable.
Aunt Ann

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