Things are started to get a little busier around here. M started ballet tonight, and has a crazy schedule. Tonight she was there from 6:15-8:30, and will be there the same time tomorrow. A also has soccer practice tomorrow and her first game on Saturday. N had his first full day of school yesterday. Lots going on.
We're working on the potty training. Tonight we started a sticker chart for N where he gets a sticker every time he uses the potty, and after 10 stickers he gets to go to the toy store. Within 2 minutes of us explaining it, he used the potty! And he was dry during school this morning. Baby steps.
M lost her last baby tooth tonight! And she went to the ortho yesterday and had her braces tightened. Now that the baby tooth is out, she will probably get bottom braces the next time she goes in.
A is getting even better at doing hair. She's going to launch a YouTube channel where she does different styles. She's working on a name.
I went to the Nats game with Grampy last night. It was not a good game, but we had a good time together hanging out at the game. I am saying goodbye to this season, sadly.
Daddy and I went to 6th grade parent workshops at Deal tonight. We sat in on sessions about math, language arts, foreign language, athletics, Edline and IB (we divided and conquered). All I can say is, they teach things differently now than they did when I was in 6th grade. It's an adjustment.
I am sure there is more but I just spent 90 minutes sewing ribbons on ballet slippers and need to go to sleep. I will close with some pics of A's hairstyle from last night.