My Enormous Licensed Publication, While Haphazard, Manages To Satisfy

Tiger Mom over here let the girls watch ALL of "American Idol" last night. They were tired and cranky this morning. Think there is a correlation?

M is in an advanced spelling group at school. Here were her spelling words this week:






I think those are hard words for first graders!! At least those aren't the words she had to use in a sentence this week! (Regular spelling words were float, coast, know, toad, and other long -O- words.)

On the agenda for the weekend: ballet, yoga birthday party, Sunday School, and mother-daughter book club. That means we have to finish the mother-daughter book club book – The Fantastic Mr. Fox. Remind me in the future not to have Oscar ballots due, my own online book club, and mother-daughter book club all take place on the same two-day period. Luckily, once we finish the mother-daughter book club book (40 pp left), I'm caught up. Sigh. Now just need to cram some more movies in before Oscar Sunday!


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