Tiger Mom over here let the girls watch ALL of "American Idol" last night. They were tired and cranky this morning. Think there is a correlation?
M is in an advanced spelling group at school. Here were her spelling words this week:
I think those are hard words for first graders!! At least those aren't the words she had to use in a sentence this week! (Regular spelling words were float, coast, know, toad, and other long -O- words.)
On the agenda for the weekend: ballet, yoga birthday party, Sunday School, and mother-daughter book club. That means we have to finish the mother-daughter book club book – The Fantastic Mr. Fox. Remind me in the future not to have Oscar ballots due, my own online book club, and mother-daughter book club all take place on the same two-day period. Luckily, once we finish the mother-daughter book club book (40 pp left), I'm caught up. Sigh. Now just need to cram some more movies in before Oscar Sunday!