My Two Best Girls

I haven't been feeling so great the last few days. Yesterday I came home from work and got immediately on the couch because I was having cramping and contractions. The girls have been so unbelievably sweet to me. Yesterday M took off my coat and shoes and brought me a blanket. Today both girls insisted on getting me juice so that I wouldn't get off the couch. They know that I am not feeling great and instead of being resentful that I am not the active mom they are used to, they are just totally accommodating.

Plus they keep saying the sweetest things. This morning on the way out, M must have thought that the way I said goodbye to Lucky was funny. She said, "Mommy, you always make me smile." And A today told me that she loves me so much, more than I love her, and just cuddled with me on the couch.

I couldn't ask for two better girls. They are so wonderful and conscientious and sweet. They are very excited about maternity leave so that I will be home with them! And so am I.

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