N Birthday Dinner

I fell asleep last night before I could post on P&B. We had a lovely birthday dinner for N at Nana and Grampy's house. He swam in the pool a little, but was mostly excited to walk around in the backyard. He got another cake ("cake!") and ate a huge piece. He also got a tricycle and a little basketball hoop. Here are some pics from Daddy's Blackberry:







So cute!

The girls started Holton Camp today. They had a great day! They love their classes. A told me after camp that she won't eat dessert for 3 weeks because between Cake Decorating and Baking 2, she is getting lots of sweets at camp.

Amy, Shelby and Griffin are here for 3 nights! Yay! They are jetlagged and went to bed a little early tonight (9:45pm) but we are excited to hang out with them the next two nights!

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