New Alice Pics!!

Here are some really cute Alice pics that another mom took on her iPhone. I love them! You can really see up close how cute those costumes were.



I tried to scan some of the girls' cute stuff today – their lists of what they want to take at Holton Camp and some "postcards from the Dead Sea" that they wrote to Lucky at Sunday School, but the scanner at work isn't cooperating. I will try again tomorrow. It's my last day in the office, and then I will be working from home next week and then on leave. I think it's time to buy a scanner!

Last night, the girls decided to sleep together in M's bed. It was the cutest thing. I had insomnia from 2-4 and went in their room to check on them, and they looked so sweet in there. I actually got into A's top bunk and tried to sleep there, but I kept being afraid that I was too heavy for the bed and that I would crash down on top of them. So I got down and went downstairs instead and watched "Friday Night Lights" and eventually fell asleep on the couch. But it was nice hearing them breathing. They haven't slept in the same bed in a long time, unless we are on vacation in a hotel. 

Last Notebusters meeting today – concert is on Sunday. And tonight may be their last Thursday ballet class as well. It's amazing that the year is almost over!

1 comment

Lisa says:

Happy last day in the office! 🙂

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