Welcome to the new home of the Piggy and Bunny Blog!
There are a few reasons why I migrated the blog.
1) No one has gotten updates for months. Months! I have no idea why. Typepad is a nightmare to deal with – they haven’t updated it in years and it is a crappy platform.
2) Uploading pics to Typepad had become increasingly untenable. Hours and hours spent just getting the pics in the post, and even then half the time it didn’t work.
3) I was unable to make a blog book this year for the first time ever, and the people at Blog2Print had no idea why or how to help. I am sure it’s because Typepad no longer cooperated.
So, I hired someone to migrate all 3,340 (!) posts from Typepad to WordPress. And here we are! All the posts made it safely to the new location.
New blog name is: Piggy & Bunny & Baby & Blankie & Cowie & Chickie (note Nate’s additions at the end), and the new URL is piggyandbunnyblog.com. I hope you will all subscribe by email (see right) and get post updates every day again.
AND here are some pics! Finally! Last night we hosted the Camp Nebagamon camper AND alumni reunions at our house. Here is a group shot, as well as Adam doing a slideshow for the kids.