Today M had a workshop at ballet instead of class. It was aimed at injury prevention and treating injuries that come about from ballet. We learned when to use ice vs. heat and the importance of eating enough to promote bone health. I thought it was pretty helpful overall. M took very good notes on her laptop, which I was really impressed with! Hopefully we won't need to use the therapists' services but it is good to know that they are there.
Tomorrow the girls are going on a day trip to a ropes course with all of Team Dakar. They don't have any classes and will go straight there when they arrive at school and return at 6PM. Sadly, it is supposed to thunderstorm, which is a bummer. I hope it stays dry while they are there.
I ordered some new PJs, socks and shoes for N from TCP, and they arrived tonight. To say that he was excited was an understatement:
He then wanted to wear the PJs and shoes to bed:
It was very cute.