New Shoes and a Fun Day

We had a busy and social day today.

First, the girls let me go to bootcamp at 8:30 and stayed home with N for an hour and 15 minutes, which was very sweet of them. I rewarded them with bagels.

Then, we went to the Circle to run a few errands. The BIG NEWS is that we bought a new pair of shoes for N, and HE WORE THEM TODAY. This is the boy who is so attached to his Elmo sneakers that he has worn them all summer, no sandals or water shoes. "How 'bout these Cookie Monster sandals, Nate?" Response: "How 'bout Elmo shoes?" He wore the new sneakers for a full 3 hours tonight, which is a huge deal. Apparently his Elmo shoes were a full size too small.

We ran into friends on Connecticut Avenue and went to Starbucks for lemonade with them, which was fun.

After our excursion to Connecticut Avenue, M&A went over to Zoe's for a playdate for a few hours. I picked them up at 4 and we went downtown to VSL to get M&A's hair cut. Daddy's stylist, Le, doesn't cut women's hair, but his wife Vanessa did A's hair and another stylist did M's hair. They each got about an inch off and their hair looks fantastic – smooth and straight.

We came home from downtown and then M had a quick dinner and left to go to the Nats game with Katie. A stayed home and Grandma Sandy, Sarah and Stu came over and babysat so that I could go out to dinner with a friend. Sarah and A played a lot of air hockey. 

M JUST returned from the game – 11:15PM. The score? 11-0 Nats! Here is a photo of her taken by Sean, where they were sitting outside the Phillies dugout (they moved there during the game once people started leaving).

Photo (5)

Here are N's old shoes:


And here are his new shoes:


Price differential: about $40. Sigh.

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