New Song

I am blogging while the girls are in the bath. (Don’t worry, I am working wireless in their bathroom). The ultimate in multitasking.

The girls learned a new song at camp. I have asked them to tell me the words:

Bim Bam Bim Bam


Tish Tosh Tish Tosh

Wally Woo Woo

There are some gestures that go with it that I have never seen before. It’s weird to have them come home and know songs that they didn’t learn from me.

Other funny things today:

  • Usually M loves to help me unload bags of groceries. In fact, she gets disappointed when I do it without her. So today, I left out several bags when I returned from the store so that she could help me when she got home from the playground. I walked in from walking the dog and she said, “Mommy, I am not going to help with the groceries today. Let A help.” Needless to say, I unloaded them myself.
  • I am filling out school forms. Even though there is no place for them, M wanted me to list her favorite books. Sounds like something I would do.
  • Tonight, A said, "Pooping on the potty is fun. Pooping in a diaper is also fun."

One step forward, one step back.

1 comment

Rachel says:

dear aunt gayle
i just came back from camp and thank god the mean boy was absent. his name is bret. or is it spelled B-R-E-T-T? well i think it’s brett. i wish i was on emma’s bus ( that’s my old counsuler’s name)
m and a are so cute. i hope i can see them soon and you of course. is it you or uncle dan who writes the blogs? well e-mail me. i miss doing it. love you. oh and one more thing… have you seen hairspray the musical? well if you did you’ve got to see the new movie. if you go to my camp ( jeff lake camp) it’s very popular.
and on monday it was pouring when we went to camp so we went to the movies. we saw hairspray ( last night too) and when we came back to camp from the movies, we got a tag that said ” having a rainy day at jeff lake is better then a sunny day at the beach” i mean that’s so not true. well i can’t wait till i go to north carolina. bye.

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