No W Sightings Yet

I am in Houston for a conference tonight. When I called to check in with the girls, M asked where I was. I told her Texas. She was horrified! She said, "That's where George Bush lives! What if you see him?" I told her I thought that was unlikely.

When I called, A and Buppie and Imogene were trying to train Allie to give A her paw. Imogene said she'd pay A a dollar if she could get Allie to do it. My guess is that it hasn't happened yet.

M has rediscovered jeans! She looks sooo cute in them. A is wearing mostly leggings and dresses still.

Tomorrow is the Valentine's Day party! I put all of the valentines in bags last night so the girls could take them to school tomorrow morning, and put their valentines in them. We put a heart- or kiss-shaped eraser on every valentine.

Thank you to Buppie and Daddy and Imogene for holding down the fort! And arrivederci from Houston.


a says:

I laughed so at Maddie’s worries about you meeting George Bush. You have such wonderful girls. They’re so very intelligent, sweet, and loving. They certainly were in good hands with Daddy, Buppie and Imogene while you were in Texas.
Aunt Ann

DebbieWager says:

Re M’s “W” comment: hysterical! You have trained them well!

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