Nomination: Best Screenplay for a Puppet Show

Thank you to those who have inquired after A. She is doing much better today. She didn’t have a fever this morning, and she went to school as planned. She’s still not eating much, but she was in good spirits all day. So it looks like it was only a 24 hour bug. (Though she and M aren’t really understanding the concept of a "bug" – they think A caught a real bug that made her throw up.)

Tonight, Buppie came over and the girls put on a few puppet shows for her while I was making dinner. I did catch one of them. It went something like this:

Puppeteer: A. Puppets: Ladybug and Duck

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Duck: Did you just sneeze?

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Duck: Stop sneezing, Ladybug!

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Duck: Stop sneezing, Ladybug!

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Duck: Stop sneezing, Ladybug!

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Ladybug: Ah-choo!

Duck: Stop sneezing, Ladybug!

This went on for quite a while, with virtually no change in dialogue or additional plot development. M thought it was absolutely hysterical. After a while, Buppie and I thought so too, though for a different reason. It was just too cute.

I’ve been playing a funny game with them before bed. I make up a bunch of preposterous statements, like "It’s too bad Imogene came to work today in a clown suit." or "It’s too bad you had to take a fire engine to get to school today." or "It’s too bad that your teachers weren’t at school today because they joined the circus."  Sometimes the girls add their own, like tonight – "It’s too bad that basket of tutus is all over the floor" [It wasn’t] or "It’s too bad we watched the Wiggles today." [They didn’t.] I think it’s cute that they understand the game.

M&A’s school opened at 10 today because it was raining. Good thing school only goes until 12:15 – that was almost a third of the whole day. 

On tap tomorrow: gymnastics, then dinner with one of their classmates, Josh, at the pizza place.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

It’s great that A is feeling better. You certainly spend quality time with the girls. Their puppet show is so cute.

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