Non-Sleepover Slumber Party

The day did not start out promising.

A had a fever last night of 101.1. Then I woke up in the middle of the night with terrible stomach pains which were still there in the morning. The weather report called for thunderstorms between 9-11. We found a bunch of ants in our kitchen. 2 balloons that Daddy bought for the front of the house – really cute ice cream cone ones – blew away, causing A to become hysterical. And the worst – as we were setting up the treasure hunt, Ron discovered a dead squirrel halfway into our drainpipe. We were behind schedule and stressed.


The party went off beautifully. Great kids, gorgeous weather. The treasure hunt was fun – they found most of the items. The "guess who" game went well and all of the kids paid attention and followed the rules. The kids liked "Trading Spaces: Girls vs Boys". The pancakes Daddy made were delicious. The cupcakes were a hit. The girls got great stuff. What more can you ask for? After the party, I walked 7 of the kids up to the Lafayette Fair, where we spent a few hours. Then we came home and opened presents. We tried out Aqua Sand and some of the magic kit from Aunt Deb and Uncle Jon. M loves her camera and A loves her makeup kit.

Tonight we had dinner at Meiwah. My stomach still hurts, unfortunately.

Right now my eyes are closing and the girls are in bed next to me, asleep.

Will post photos eventually.

Too tired for more!!


a says:

Oh my goodness, what a day all of you had. It’s one you will always remember. I hope Mommy’s stomach ache is better. Everyone seemed to have a great time at the birthday party. Again, congratulations to M and A on their sixth birthday.
Aunt Ann

Lisa says:

Glad everything went well despite the dramatic start — happy birthday M & A! Hope you’re feeling better, too.

Larissa Fair says:

That sounds like you could write a book hahaha. But yay happy birthday M&A!

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