North Woods

Here are a few more pics from our visit with Nate on Sunday:

Tomorrow AM, we will head back to Nebagamon for a visit to some of Dad’s people there. We will see Nate too, I assume, though because it’s the first day of the second session, I am not allowed to be roving around camp. So maybe he will pay a quick visit to the Big House to say goodbye again.

Today, Dad and I spent most of the day on Lake Superior. We took a boat to Devil’s Island and kayaked around some amazing caves, in and out of these cool columns and openings. Then we went to Stockton Island and hiked for 2 miles (easy). Then back to Madeline Island and then back to Bayfield. It was a lovely day – warm but not humid. Aside from some seasickness (me) and some biting flies (both), it was pretty ideal. Our yoga hotel is serene and pretty, even if there is no TV and most of the food is vegan.