Not So Smart

Here’s a humbling experience:

Try making a recipe from Parenting magazine that basically has two ingredients and is designed for pre-schoolers, and still managing to screw it up.

I tried to make this recipe tonight with the girls, which is supposed to yield white chocolate marshmallow ghosts that look like this:


Instead, the ones I made look like this:


Honestly, there are two ingredients: white chocolate and marshmallows. How pathetic is this?

After the marshmallow disaster, I took the girls with me to a meeting for parents volunteering for the nursery school auction. Anyone who knew me last winter knows that I did the auction database, which was a total nightmare. This year, I volunteered to copyedit the auction catalog, which will hopefully be much less time-consuming. Plus, it takes advantage of my need to proofread everything I read.

I thought it was fitting that while I was upstairs volunteering to copyedit, M was downstairs, telling the high-school girls who had been hired to babysit kids in the basement that the nametag they made for her was misspelled:


1 comment

Anonymous says:

Your ghosts were hilarious. Better luck next time.

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