Not Such A Great Day

Today was one of those days.

M woke up at 4 AM and ended up in my bed, I am not sure how. A woke up at 6 AM and cried because she didn't know where M was. A came into my bed too and woke up Allie, and that was that for sleep.

Then we had a hectic morning getting out the door.

Then there were such bad traffic problems that forty-five minutes after I left my neighborhood for work, I was back at my house.

Then I finally got to work an hour and a half after I left home.

Then I had a meeting outside the office – a serious meeting – and I realized I had left my shoes at home. I was wearing purple flip flops. With a black dress.

Thank you to Gloria for lending me a pair of cute peep-toe pumps.

Tonight, when I got home from work, I was happy to see the girls. At 9:25 PM when they were still up being silly, I lost my patience.

They are now asleep. As I will be soon. Tomorrow is a new day! And tomorrow is M&A's first field trip at Lafayette! They are going to pick apples.


a says:

It was one of those off-days that we all have to live through every once in a while. M and A will have fun picking apples. It sounds like they are having a great school experience. Terrible traffic problems is nationwide. Horrible! But it’s something, for now, we also have to live with. Hope tomorrow is a better day.
Aunt Ann

Gloria says:

Sorry that the day went so poorly.. and glad that I could help! 🙂
Picking apples is so fun this time of year! I hope M&A have a great time!

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