Notes From Our Trip To NY

So, we had a great weekend in NY planned. We were to come up Saturday, Daddy and I had symphony tickets with a colleague of his on Saturday, and on Sunday, Grandma and Grandpa were to take the girls to to see "Mary Poppins" and we were to go to "Hair."

Until A got sick.

She was feeling a little warm yesterday, but by midnight last night, she was running a fever of 103.


Today, M went to "Mary Poppins" with Grandpa and Grandpa, and Daddy is seeing "Hair" with Aunt Darrah in a few minutes. I am in the hotel room with A, who is in between naps and watching "The Sound of Music" for the millionth time. It is a gloomy rainy day – perfect day to be inside cuddled up with A.

She may have H1N1 – we aren't sure. Her fever was 103.9 about two hours ago. I've talked to the pediatrician and other than keeping her comfortable, there isn't much to be done.

Some funny things to share:

1. Yesterday in the car, M said, "Emily told me something that I can't tell anyone in my family especially A. She said that she's a little bit in love with Christopher but that she didn't want A to know because A might get upset." I unraveled this a little bit – it's not because A likes Christopher too, it's because A likes Emily so much and Emily didn't want A to know that she also likes Christopher. A found out about this, and said, "It's OK. Emily told me she likes me the same as Christopher." Ah, Kindergarten.

2. I said to A a minute ago, "You're not having the best trip to NY, are you? You've barely left the hotel room." She said, "No, I think the trip to Paris and Barcelona and Madrid and Cullera and Frankfurt was better."

We will see what happens tomorrow. We're supposed to go to family services in Westchester. We will have to see how A is feeling.

1 comment

a says:

I hope by now A is feeling much better. I’m so sorry mommy had to miss the theater, but being with A was so important. I send mommy and A my best wishes and love, and of course give M and daddy my love too.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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