N’s Crankiness Level

Morning transitions have gotten a little easier for N. He doesn't look back as much when we drop him off, and we can walk away a little faster after he goes in. He says he likes school but he always complains in the morning that he doesn't want to go because he doesn't like dropoff.

Afternoons are a different story. I picked him up from school and he was very happy until we reached home and discovered that his lunchbox was not in his backpack. I told him that it was OK, that we could pack tomorrow's lunch in a bag, but he was very upset. I ended up walking back to school to get his lunchbox and he was still carrying on when I got home. He is very tired in the afternoon and definitely ready for bed by 8:30. Much carrying on this afternoon, especially when he asked whether you can put a level in the bathtub and I asked him what a level was. (I think it's like this rubber hammock swing that they have at Lafayette playground). That prompted a lot of hits and tears. Sigh.

Ah, 4 years old.

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