N’s weekend has gotten progressively better.
It started out with a low yesterday AM when he had to get a flu and a covid shot. He was not happy. I got them with him so at least he wasn’t alone in his discomfort. We got acai bowls after as a reward. Then came BM tutoring. Then he went to the store so that I could meet our new social media person, and then he went to a Big Boy Haircut place for a haircut that wasn’t at the barbershop next to Strosniders, where we had been increasingly unhappy with his haircuts. Day getting better.
Then he came home and Leo came over for a few hours. N was draggy from the shots and ended up hanging out on the couch after Leo left and watching Survivor reruns because he was too tired to do anything else.
Today was better. He was home until we left for his baseball game, and what a game it was! The White Sox fell behind early, and were losing 8-1 at the middle of the game. That one run was N’s RBI from a grounder in the 2nd. Then the White Sox started turning things around, and by the top of the 6th, they were losing by 5 with a score of 9-4. Well, in that inning they scored NINE RUNS. They were up 13-4. N walked and made it to third, but his coaches had their eye on the time – 15 minutes left – and they decided to sacrifice N for the third out so that we could get the bottom of the 6th underway. So he didn’t get to run home. (He also had a BEAUTIFUL hit in the 4th that ended up being caught way out in left field. Still amazing.) But by then the White Sox had a 4 run read and there was enough time for the bottom of the 6th to play out normally. 1-2-3 inning with great defense. White Sox win!!!
We celebrated with Sarah’s Handmade, and he took so long picking a flavor out that we were there forever. We got in the car to head home, and WHAT DID WE SEE ON CONNECTICUT AVENUE???? A HAWAII LICENSE PLATE! We had JUST been talking about how we needed to get Hawaii – and have needed it for months – and THERE IT WAS ON CONNECTICUT. We were so excited.

We get to start over again now! Yay!!!!
He also just finished homework – studying for a math test and making a video about a time he got fooled by marketing – AirUp! – and the weekend definitely ended on a high.
Girls have had busy weekends too. A sent us a pic from Manhattan Beach and has been doing lots of SKA activities all weekend. She wrote a script for a short film that had to have the following elements: a mockumentary, a Costco card, and the line, “We’re going to need a bigger boat.” She wrote the whole thing. She’s going to send us the final cut.
M is plotting out her life and seems to be very busy but I haven’t gotten her on the phone in a few days. Such is life with kids in college.
Dad is leaving tomorrow for a week – he’s going to be in NYC all week and then in CA visiting A for Parents Weekend! Sad that I am missing it but we needed coverage at home.
Oh – N is officially doing his BM project on GOTV postcarding. We picked up the packets from Carole and also grabbed an Alsobrooks sign for the yard.