Things the little boy can do:
- Wave bye bye
- Help lather up his hair in the tub
- Play "The Diaper Game" – throwing his dirty diaper on the ground, imitating Mommy, before bath
- Play "Find Mommy"
- Bring his shoes to Imogene before going outside
- Get a book about lions for Daddy when Daddy mentions the lion in Dear Zoo
- Put the music on in his crib
- Close the baby gate and all doors
- Pet Lucky
- Say "ba" (bath); "uck" (dog); "ca" (car); "ba….. ba" (bottle); "da" (Daddy)
- Get butter on Mommy's pants just as she is walking out the door to work
What a smartie!
Something funny M said today. Me: "I like your new side part! It looks great!" M: "Thanks! I am going to keep it. I think it makes me look more sophisticated… but also fun!" (True!)