N’s Morning Cuteness

Here are a bunch of cute things N did this AM. We dropped M&A off at school a little early today because they had a field trip, which meant we had to come back here before we went to school. We also had a plumber coming so we needed to be here to meet him. 

Cute things:

1) He brought his stroller to drop off the girls. In the car.

2) When we got home, I went upstairs to dry my hair. N came up to the bathroom with his TSNS tote bag on, ready to go to school. "Let's go, Mama!"

3) The plumber arrived before we left, and N repeated everything I told the plumber.

4) When I said "let me show you the washing machine upstairs," N took the plumber's hand and walked him up the stairs to my bathroom. (!!!!)

5) When we got to school, like usual, N went in to the room enthusiastically. There was some paint set up on one of the tables and he went right to it and started painting. No "goodbye" for Mama!

OH I almost forgot. At 5 AM today, he woke up whimpering a little. I went in and he said, "Nay-Nay make a picture". I think he was dreaming about TSNS!

Meanwhile, the girls had a field trip today to the Chesapeake Bay. They wore waders and caught some crabs and learned a lot about the water. Sounds like it was a fun day, and they had great weather for it too. 

Also, the girls signed up to participate in a Level 3 class at the WSB Open House on Sunday. The first 16 people to respond got added to the list. Luckily I was checking my email! They are excited.

OK, signing off. Tired.

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