N’s Obesssions

It is safe to say that little N is obesssed with his sisters, "Mammy and Ah-da". He talks about them all the time. He cries when he wakes up and they have already left for school, like this morning. He takes Daddy's cell phone and walks around the house, saying, "Mammy Ah-da". He copies them when they do yoga moves and jump on the bed. He goes into their room as soon as he wakes up. He pulls their backpacks around the house. He is most content and calm when sitting at the dinner table where they are eating. He likes to wear their shoes. He dances to the Nutcracker. He cries when they get out of the car to go to ballet. He jumps on them. He runs up and hugs their legs. He LOVES his sisters.

Here are his sisters, out to dinner with their friend Alida last Saturday night:

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We are having a very late night here as M finishes her Economy Quilt. 10:23PM and she's not nearly done.

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