Last weekend, N had a lot of social plans.
On Friday, there was a 5th/6th grade social. He seemed to have a pretty good time. All of the girls were, o course, wearing these tight little dresses, while the boys all had sweatshirts on. Here are some pics that one of the moms sent around. There was also a cute video of N leading a conga line. I am glad he had fun.

Then on Sunday N went to a birthday party at the Zoo for his friend Leo. Here are some pics:

How cute is this pic from yesterday?

And this adorable one from today?

I am going to LA tomorrow to see A! Her sorority has an event on Sunday where the new sisters are officially admitted to the sorority. And parents come too! So we will be at that together on Sunday. I am excited!
N has another quiz competition tomorrow. He’s competing in three categories – geography, history and science. Unfortunately, neither of us can attend because I will be en route to LA and Dan is hosting Nebagamon interviews here.
Finally, this is a sign that it is Survivor season again! N is making an Edgic – something that combines “editing” and “logic” and measures airtime to try to predict who will win the season.