Hi everyone! Well, it has been a while. My life went a little nuts in November and since then, I just haven’t had the energy to post on this blog. That has made me very sad.
I keep thinking, one night I’ll write a long catchup post about what the kids have been up to the last two months. I’d talk about A’s auditions, about M’s trip to Taiwan, about all the stuff N is up to at school. I’d post a lot of pics from the holidays and talk about how great each of the kids have been at the store. I’d try to remember all the funny things N has said in the last two months and write about how great it was to have the girls home for a few weeks, back in their bedrooms, with their approaches to the house being announced to me by Life360 like they were in high school.
But I just haven’t found the time to do it.
So I am just going to pick up as I did before, focusing on the days that just passed rather than trying to do a grand summation. I’ll post when I can but if I can’t because I am just too dog-tired at the end of the day, I won’t. And that will be that.
So I’ll pick up with today. N had his winter band concert. The theme was Gen X, Y and Z Goes To The Movies. Songs included: a Grease medley, Let It Go, Raiders of the Lost Ark theme, and more.

It was a fun show that showcased how hard the kids had practiced. It’s fun to watch him play the clarinet. He gets to sit in the front – see bottom left.

Here is his loyal fan section:

And this came on top of a busy day of math test, classes, track and quiz bowl. Oh and he qualified for Nationals again last weekend for History, tho I don’t think he wants to go again this year.
OK, I am back and will really try to post every few days.