Very exciting news about M tonight! She was accepted into NSLI-Y's academic year program in Taiwan for next fall! She's very excited and is planning to take a gap year to do it. We expected her to be accepted but it's great to have gotten the email today. YAY M!!!! CONGRATS!
N loves the website, which sold him the huge gummy bear. He ordered two more things from them last week:
- Aquanotes note pad so that he can jot down ideas while he is in the shower:
- Squish ball that sounds like walking on snow when you squeeze it:
They arrived last night as we were heading out to Opening Day and I swear he was thinking about the package the whole time we were there.
Speaking of the game, it was fun but cold and rain-delayed and we lost and the metro was slow. It's gonna be a looooong season.
N is now on spring break!!