Today is our last day here in OBX. We are so sad to leave! We need to be back tomorrow for Alida's bat mitzvah in the afternoon, but we decided to stay tonight and leave early tomorrow AM. VERY early. We're mostly packed up so we should just be able to get up and leave.
Today, we spent a lot of time at the beach in the afternoon and enjoyed summer-like temps (except the ocean). M isn't feeling well so we are taking it easy. We got takeout BBQ because we are in NC and we're now watching the Nats game. #GoNats
So sad to leave. It has been a great vacation!
Highlights for me:
2 trips to Island Bookstore
The beach
Relaxing here at night and watching movies
Yummy food
Mini golf
Escape Room
Waking up the ocean
Today M and I set up the indoor fort that the girls used to love when we'd come here. It was only up for a day but N enjoyed it.