Off to NJ

Tomorrow, we leave for NJ for Sarah's bat mitzvah. We are very excited and very proud of her. Tomorrow there is an evening service, and then on Saturday she will be reading her Torah portion in the morning service. Then there is a reception Saturday night. We will return on Sunday.

So, no posts for a few days. We will return with lots of pictures!

P.S. Aunt Ann – thank you for all the comments! They are SO appreciated. The girls will be trick-or-treating in the neighborhood, and maybe they will also hand out some of the candy too! We love you and hope that you are well!

1 comment

a says:

Congratulations to Sarah on becoming a Bat/Mitzvah. Thank you for your note to me. I am well, and I think about you, Gayle. Dan, Alexa and Maddie everyday. I love all of you.
Love, hugs and kisses,
Aunt Ann

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