OK, I Will End The Suspense…

At least one reader has emailed me to find out what happened last night. Did the girls stay in my bed? Did they sleep quietly until I moved them, seamlessly, to their room, at 1 AM? Did they then continue to sleep through the night and wake up fresh and happy at 8?


What happened last night is what happened on Monday night: they played and sang and talked and laughed and had to pee and dropped their animals on the floor until A was fed up and wanted to go to her bed. Then M got upset because she wanted A to stay in my bed with her, and then I had to give her another timeout, which meant watching me fold laundry on the couch. Now, that *is* a punishment for M, because she LOVES to help me sort and fold. "Who wore this shirt? Who wore these tights? Where should I put them?" She was not allowed to help. Once I finished folding she was ready to go back upstairs to her bed.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. They are not intended to be used as springboards for commentary on parenting techniques. Otherwise, M&A will magically be transformed on this blog into perfect children who sleep through the night, always share, and eat all of their vegetables. (Boring!).

Here are some funny stories from this morning.

M got up really early today and we were hanging out in my room while A slept. She likes games where she has to list lots of things. I am running low on ideas for this. So I said, "Tell me all the animals that are on your various pajamas." And damn if she couldn’t name them all. Pajamas I didn’t even remember we had. "You are so smart!", I told her. "*I* couldn’t remember all of those!" She looked at me and said, "Mommy, you’re not very smart. I am, but you aren’t."

There is snow on the ground here. A asked if she could eat some of the snow. (They both ask me this often). I said yes, but only the clean snow. A said, "Yes, if you eat the dirty snow, you’ll get sick. But not sick like you have to go to the doctor, or the hospital, or the dentist. Just sick."

I am blogging from work – I think this is a first. I may update later with a Hanukah Night 3 report.

1 comment

Teha says:

First of all, you know you are in trouble when your three year old realizes she is smarter than you already! 🙂 Secondly, perhaps you should consider elaborating your snow-eating advice to include specific instructions on avoiding “yellow snow.” Just my two cents!

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