One Direction!

Tonight we went to see One Direction at the Verizon Center. Because Daddy was out of town, we took Allison, who is a sweet girl in the neighborhood who is 12 and who was excited to see One Direction. Her brother was in M's class this year. It was great having her with us. We enjoyed the show a lot. It was VERY loud and the girls didn't know all of the songs, but they were happy to be there and had a lot of fun. We left a few songs early to ensure that we'd have no problem getting a cab home.

We are all tired from the weekend, and the girls have a big day tomorrow too – first day of Holton camp!

Tonight I thought I'd share the girls' report cards. They got all 4s in every subject. M had 3 tardys and A had 6. Here were the written reports.

M has had a terrific final advisory. She did an amazing job on the last unit in math on equivalent fractions – a perfect test and almost all the bonus points (which were not easy to get!). Her math facts are in great shape. Just be sure to practice a little over the summer so she doesn't lose any ground. M did really excellent work on our Sun, Moon and Earth unit and was a superior worker at the DC Theater Cafe.

M was in my (Mrs. J's) readig group where we read a historical fiction novel titled "In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson". This story followed a young Chinese girl who immigrates to New York City during Robinson's rookie year as a baseball player. M did very hich quality work in this unit, including writing a creative letter as if she were the main character, learning new vocabulary making text to self and text to text connectios, creating discussion questions, making predictions, and answering comprehension questions. Good work!

This year in Writer's Workship we wrote fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The styudents learned how to navigate the writing process, always starting with planning, then drafting, multiple editing steps, to finally publishing. M seemed to really appreciate the writing process, and worked diligently to complete her writing pieces. Her book of writing really turned out beautifully.

M is such a joy to teach. Are you sure she can't stay in third just one more year?

Here is A's report – from her substitute teacher so shorter than usual:

I really enjoyed working with A this year.

And here are some pictures.

M reading her autobography at the Publication Celebration:



M's friend Emily holding N at the Publication Celebration:




The girls walking Lucky and pushing N on a walk on Thursday night:


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