Girls had a busy Oscar Sunday. Sunday School, then we went to Grandma Sandy's for a brunch with some of our cousins. The girls made a few friend - a girl who lives next door to Grandma Sandy – and they played in her backyard for a long time. They were digging things up and collecting treasures – rocks and glass. Apparently, they also played a duet on the piano.

Tonight, we had an early bath and I got things all ready early so that we could watch the red carpet arrivals. M&A like to check out the dresses. M said a lot of very astute things – such as "[Meryl Streep's] dress looks like a bathrobe." and "I don't like [Charlize Theron's] dress because it looks like there are flowers on her boobs." and "I think [Gabourey Sidibe] is F-A-T, but I am happy that she found a dress that fits her."

All true.

I did rush the girls into bed right on time tonight – 8:30 – because I wanted to be in situ for the kickoff of the Oscars.

One thing – I told A tonight that Georg from "The Sound of Music" was going to be at the Oscars. We found a shot with him in it, and she was visibly shocked by how he looks. She was expecting 1960s Christopher Plummer.

1 comment

a says:

I love the comments the girls made about the dresses worn by stars at the Oscars. So funny. It’s hard to realize that the people we remember in movies and elsewhere do change through the years.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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