Oscar Sunday

I am too distracted by the Oscars to post much tonight. The girls are with Daddy at Addie’s house. I am watching Ryan Seacrest work his magic on the red carpet. So far, the cutest are George Clooney and Jason Bateman. Dresses are mostly beautiful… long… nothing stands out so far.

One memory from the day: we stopped at the music store today so that I could get some guitar picks. M saw a pink electric guitar for kids and just fell in love with it. She HAD to have it. Started crying about it in the store and didn’t stop until 30 minutes after we got home. Needless to say, the guitar is still at the store.

Girls will be home soon… then bathbedbooks so that we can watch the show!! Buppie and Aunt Tequila will be watching with us.

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