Yesterday was an interesting day.
Imogene called me at 2 to say that our power was out. (Keep in mind that it was 97 degrees). Then she called back to say that MOST of our power was out, but certain things were on: the fridge (yay), the stove, and a few upstairs lights. I called Pepco, whose automated recording said they were aware of the outage and that they'd have power restored by 4. (Mmm hmmm.) 4, of course, because 6, which became 7, and later was pushed to 9. Meanwhile, the temperature inside the house was slowly climbing.
When I got home, we had some decisions to make. Go over to Grandma Sandy's empty house and turn on her A/C, in case the power didn't come back on? Or stay home and hope that we could make it until the power came back on? After all, Pepco did say 9. We didn't have many other options, especially because we would have had to take the little red dog with us.
We decided to stay. It was fine for a while – the girls watched a movie on my iPad on my bed. No power in my bedroom, but power in the hall and in the bathroom made it easy to see. But then it was just too hot. So I put them to sleep in the basement, which was cool enough to merit a blanket. Daddy came home at 11:15 from the airport – he had been in Buffalo for Uncle Eddie's funderal – and the girls were still up and the house was still hot.
6 fitful hours later, with several wakeups by A and many by me and Daddy, power was restored. Phew. By 8 AM the house was bearable. And now it's cool again. So the worst of it was a bad night of sleep. Thankfully, the fridge stayed cold the whole time and no food was spoiled.
Today we spent some time at home cleaning up the art supplies and sharpening pencils for school. Then we went swimming at Catherine's pool in Bethesda and stayed for a few hours after she left. Relaxing. Then Daddy took the girls to return some stuff at Macy's while I got a mani/pedi – yay! – and then we went out to dinner. Home, bath, reading – and now A is STILL downstairs at 10:39PM. Ugh.
Here are some cute pics of the girls cooling off yesterday. They have turned this storage container in the backyard into a little swimming pool. They were clearly pretty hot yesterday! It's SO cute when they are in it. They were in there for 45-60 minutes, just talking.
Love the photos. The girls are so darling. I hope your weather cools down and stays down. Good luck with that.
Aunt Ann
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