Categories September 2023

Piper The Pup

Updates from here today: -N and I biked to and from school today. We are going to try to do that once a week. It was fun! Nice to avoid the awful crunch of car pickup at 330PM too. We…

Categories September 2023

GDS Curriculum Night

Tonight was Curriculum Night at GDS. We got to meet N's teachers – Kate (History), Zoe (English), Carly (Science), Johanne (Spanish), Cristina (Math) and Hilary (Advisory). They all seem devoted, enthusiastic, nurturing and smart. N doesn't have much homework but…

Categories September 2023

Happy New Year!

N and I have a new game. We are spotting license plates. We have gotten a lot of plates already! It has made time in the car fun. Today I took N to a birthday party in VA and we…

Categories September 2023

Baseball Victory

N's baseball team won its first game tonight, 13-5. It was a good game, despite N being last in the batting order and not pitching. He got two walks and a single RBI.  N and I have also been playing…

Categories September 2023

Rainy Day

Rain, rain go away! N got his baseball game in today (they lost but he pitched a very good inning), but we were supposed to go to the Nats game today at 4 and it was delayed, delayed, delayed due…

Categories September 2023

First Day of GDS!

Today was N's first day of GDS! He said it went well. He liked the kids he met and didn't have much yet in the way of classes or work. Lunch was meh. He seems happy (and that's after his…

Categories September 2023


It looks like Dad and N have been having a great time at Ron Dee Vous. They've gone apple picking, played putt putt and Patonk (sp?), eaten a lot, gone out on the lake and generally had a very fun…

Categories September 2023

Lunch With J

Dad and N have gone to Shohola to visit Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron for the weekend. I haven't heard many details yet but I do know that they watched A's video again and loved it. I saw Sting tonight…