Chess Club Updates
Here are some updates from the last few weeks of N's chess club. (I don't understand any of this.) Note that N had checkmates most weeks! 1. This week in chess club we examined another famous game from Fischer. In…
Here are some updates from the last few weeks of N's chess club. (I don't understand any of this.) Note that N had checkmates most weeks! 1. This week in chess club we examined another famous game from Fischer. In…
Today was Mother's Day. We had a nice brunch at home with Grandma Sandy, a nice long Zoom with J & L & S & R and a visit from Grampy to see A before she left for London. I…
End of the week. We celebrated by going out for sushi tonight. I did not want to cook again. It was a beautiful night and we sat outside. N was on camera for CCNN probably for the last time this…
A IS HOME FROM SCHOOL! I came to get her at her dorm room this AM and she was TOTALLY packed and ready to go. Very impressive. We packed up the car by 9AM, said a quick hi to Tequila,…
Today is the girls' 19th birthday! M turned 19 12 hours before A, which is of course sort of weird and prompts questions about "real" ages, etc.. She celebrated in Taiwan with her friends. Two of them took her on…
A had a very stressful day today with a number of final projects and performances. She said they went well! Dad is in NY tonight for work and they are having dinner. N had his physical today. He is –…
N discovered yesterday that if I signed up for Gamechanger PREMIUM, instead of the free version, I could get the livestream of his baseball games. He didn't feel well yesterday and didn't play in his game, so when we checked…
Yesterday was a fun Nate-Mom day. We went to the Nats game in the afternoon (trying to avoid day, the day we had tickets for, which looked like it was going to be a rainout). They lost, but it was…
Today was a very rainy, windy day. That meant that Dad had a very difficult kickoff for his ride from Pittsburgh to Harper's Ferry -he changed into dry clothes three times and is very tired. But he did well! It…