N’s Schedule This Fall
I have been meaning to post this for several days – N was elected assistant (or alternate?) class representative. He was very pleased because a number of people ran for it. He will get to be class rep on student…
I have been meaning to post this for several days – N was elected assistant (or alternate?) class representative. He was very pleased because a number of people ran for it. He will get to be class rep on student…
We had A back this weekend, which was so nice! When I got the Life360 alert when she got home last night, it made me realize again how much I miss having her at home Right now she is headed…
We had A back this weekend, which was so nice! When I got the Life360 alert when she got home last night, it made me realize again how much I miss her! Right now she is headed back to NY,…
A is home!! Very excited to see her!!! She is here with us tonight and spending tomorrow at the Sidwell football game and having a sleepover with Charlotte. Today was the CCES Color Run. I volunteered so I got to…
Some of the pics I posted in yesterday's blog didn't show up in the post. I think Typepad was having some issues or updates or something. So, here again are the pics from yesterday: N at the Fox Den at…
N had a shadow day at Sidwell today. He liked it, didn't love it, says he could "maybe" see himself there, enjoyed lunch, didn't think the classes were THAT hard, liked his buddy, and is happy to be going back…
Today was Open House at CCES. N instructed me not to come for the first two hours, so I showed up at 1130. I saw some of his English class (I heard him reciting a play with some other kids),…
The news from here! N had a good soccer game today. His team (undefeated) met their match and were down 2-0 for the first half but ended up winning 4-3. N played some offense today too. It was a beautiful…
This blog is following a pattern… updates on the girls, with pics they've shared, and then a post about N. I'll start with N. I got to hear him do his speech yesterday because I was there for library volunteering.…
Happy new year! We had a nice break fast here tonight with some other families, it ended early and it's all cleaned up now. Feet up, full stomach, so I am happy. N went to services with us and did…