Report from Camp

Today Dad and I got to talk to N’s counselor Jason. He said that N is settling in well. He has been on a river trip the last two days and is coming home tonight. Apparently N was hesitant to…

Capitol Dome and N Cabin

Today M got a tour of the dome of the Capitol, which is only accessible to people who have been escorted by a member of Congress or who have special privileges. Her friend Leah works for the Minority Whip and…


N left for camp yesterday. So sad! We took him to the airport early in the AM and Dad took him to the gate. There were a lot of other CN boys on the plane and they arrived on time…

Last Day Before Camp!

Today was N’s last day at home. We are all so sad that he is leaving! But we know that he will have a GREAT time at camp! M took N and me on a tour of the Capitol today,…

Tournament of Champions and Father’s Day

This weekend was the Little League Tournament of Champions. This means that the Reds played the winner of the Upcounty MCLL Championship yesterday, and because they won yesterday, they went on to play another regional winner today. Yesterday’s game was…


Catching up on a few days… I was in New Orleans for a few days for work – a children’s book conference – and am back home. Here are some random things- M and N went to the Congressional Baseball…

N’s Birthday Party

Today was N’s birthday party. It was very easy and mellow. 4 boys came over – Ayan, Leo, Carter and Ren – and they swam, played ping pong, did games in the pool and had cupcakes. Weather was perfect after…

Happy 12th Birthday Nate!

Nate had a pretty good 12th birthday today!! He woke up, had pancakes in the shape of 12s made by Dad, watched the London Mets-Phillies game, went to Nats Park to see the Nats beat the Braves 7-3, came home…

Last Day Of School!

Last day of school for Nate! He has had a good week at school: got an award for MVP in pickleball, got his yearbook, got placed into higher math for next year, had Field Day, went bowling, brought donuts to…