Categories August 2007


Tonight we went to see a movie and the grandparents stayed home and gave M & A dinner and put them to bed. When we got home, M asked me a series of questions: What kind of movie? (I couldn’t…

Categories August 2007


Today was another busy day at the beach. Grandma S (aka Buppie) arrived around 1:30, which was very exciting. We went to the beach in the morning and the pool after nap, and the girls floated on their own with…

Categories August 2007

Visitors at the Beach

Grandma D and Grandpa R arrived at the beach tonight! M & A were very excited. They have just finished reading a few books – Zin Zin Zin a Violin and Madeline. We had a yummy dinner and now everyone…

Categories August 2007


Day #1 at the beach was a mixed bag. We spent two hours (yes, TWO hours) this morning at Food Lion. We were there so long that we went back to the alcohol aisle and picked up some booze before…

Categories August 2007

Road Trip

We made it to NC in one piece. 7 hours in the car, but the girls were extremely good. Lots and lots of TV – Elmo, Backyardigans, Barney (yuck), Kidsongs, and the first half hour of Shrek 2 (M was…

Categories August 2007

Playdate with Christina and Mikey

Earlier this summer, we met Christina and Mikey (the couple whose wedding M&A were flower girls in last April) at a fantastic playground nearby. The playground has 4 large sprinklers, the usual playground equipment, and a nearby basketball court. Here…

Categories August 2007


Some questions for M & A tonight: What is your favorite color? M: Orange A: Purple What did you eat for dinner? M: Rice, chicken and ketchup. I didn’t eat peas. A: Peas, chicken nuggets and one tomato. Where are…

Categories August 2007

Everyone’s a Comedian

A few funny things from today: While the girls were napping, I went to the dentist. When they woke up, I was on a conference call for work. M came into the room and, in a loud stage whisper, said…

Categories August 2007

Allie’s Birthday

Tonight when I got home from work, there was a picture taped to the door. It was made by A, in honor of Allie (the little red dog)’s 11th birthday. A and M also gave Allie several treats today for…